Real-time tweets with Tweepy and Cartopy
6 min read

Real-time tweets with Tweepy and Cartopy

Real-time tweets with Tweepy and Cartopy
In 2015 I wrote a post about Display real-time tweets on a map with Basemap and Tweepy, but since Basemap is considered as deprecated, I decided to update the post using Cartopy instead of Basemap.

Let's create first a simple project displaying the tweets around the world, then a second example focusing on a specific location.
Worldwide Live Twitter feed

Code on Github

Complete code available on my Github :

Contribute to MichaelCaraccio/ development by creating an account on GitHub.

Previous posts about Tweepy

Display real-time tweets on a map with Basemap and Tweepy
MatPlotlib basemap is a library for plotting 2D data on a map using Python. Inthis post I will show you how to get tweets from Twitter with Tweepy and how todisplay them on a map with Basemap. > Updated 15.01.2019 : Code updatedUpdated 26.04.2018 : Installation with Anaconda instead of pip. Beca…
Twitter Streaming API with Tweepy
> [Updated on 01.2019 ] Tweepy is a Python library for accessing the Twitter API.In the post I will show you how to use Twitter Streaming API and of course, howto get information you want.Download and install TweepyTweepy is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4 The easiest way to instal…

Install Cartopy

with conda

Activate your environment :

# For Linux and macOS
source activate YOUR_ENV
# For Windows
activate YOUR_ENV

Install Cartopy package :

conda install -c conda-forge cartopy

# for a specific version
conda install -c conda-forge cartopy"==0.17.0" 

or from source

# clone repository
git clone

# install cartopy
python install

You can check your Cartopy version from the terminal with :

# start python

# import Cartopy
import cartopy

# check installed version

return -> '0.17.0'

Authentication and get tweets with Tweepy

Authentication and the main program are split in two files : and

The following code didn't change since my last post. If you need more information about it, you can take a look at my previous post :

Display real-time tweets on a map with Basemap and Tweepy
MatPlotlib basemap is a library for plotting 2D data on a map using Python. Inthis post I will show you how to get tweets from Twitter with Tweepy and how todisplay them on a map with Basemap. > Updated 15.01.2019 : Code updatedUpdated 26.04.2018 : Installation with Anaconda instead of pip. Beca…

complete code on Github

class authentication:
    def __init__(self):
        # Go to and create an app.
        # The consumer key and secret will be generated for you after
        self.consumer_key = "xxxx"
        self.consumer_secret = "xxxx"

        # Create an access token
        self.access_token = "xxxx"
        self.access_token_secret = "xxxx"

    def getconsumer_key(self):
        return self.consumer_key

    def getconsumer_secret(self):
        return self.consumer_secret

    def getaccess_token(self):
        return self.access_token

    def getaccess_token_secret(self):
        return self.access_token_secret

complete code on Github

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tweepy

# Consumer and access token/key
from authentication import authentication  

# Tweepy listener
class TwitterStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
    """ A listener handles tweets are the received from the stream.
    This is a basic listener that just prints received tweets to stdout.

    # Get the new tweet, and give it to the get_tweet() method
    def on_status(self, status):

    # If there's an error, this method will be called. You can manage the different error code here. Here only 403 is handled
    def on_error(self, status_code):
        if status_code == 403:
            print("The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. Limit is maybe reached")
            return False
    def get_tweet(tweet):
        # we only care about tweets with coordinates
        if tweet.coordinates is not None:
            print(tweet) # debug purpose
            # Get coordinates from the current tweet
            x, y = tweet.coordinates['coordinates']  # get coordinates from the tweet
            # -------------------------------------------------------
            # MISSING CODE #2 : See below - Display tweets on the map
            # -------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get access and key from authentication class
    auth = authentication()

    consumer_key = auth.getconsumer_key()
    consumer_secret = auth.getconsumer_secret()

    access_token = auth.getaccess_token()
    access_token_secret = auth.getaccess_token_secret()

    # Authentication
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) = True
    auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

    api = tweepy.API(auth, # credentials
                     wait_on_rate_limit=True, # Wait if limit is reached
                     wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True, # Notify is limit is reached
                     retry_count=10, # retry counter when error occurs
                     retry_delay=5, # seconds between each try
                     retry_errors={401, 404, 500, 503} #  which HTTP status codes to retry

    # create our listener
    streamListener = TwitterStreamListener()
    # get the twitter stream
    myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth=api.auth,
                             listener=streamListener # our listener above

    # get tweets from everywhere
    earth_location_coord = [-180, -90, 180, 90]

    # filter by location
    # -------------------------------------------------------
    # MISSING CODE #1 : See below - Create the map
    # -------------------------------------------------------

Display tweets on a map

Now let's complete the code above by replacing the "MISSING CODE #" with the following code.

MISSING CODE #1 - Create the map

# Size of the map
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5), dpi=150)

# Set a title
plt.title("Tweet's around the world")

# Declare map projection
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())

# Put a background image on for nice sea rendering

MISSING CODE #2 - Display tweets

def get_tweet(tweet):
    # we only care about tweets with coordinates
    if tweet.coordinates is not None:
        x, y = tweet.coordinates['coordinates']  # get coordinates from the tweet
        plt.plot(x, y, 'ro', markersize=2)  # plot the red dot on the map
        plt.pause(0.01)  # little trick to update the map
Live Twitter feed - Worldwide

Display a counter on the plot

On the bottom left corner of the picture above, you can see a little counter. Basically we need to define a counter, display it on the plot, then when there's a new tweet we update the text.

Let's see how to implement it :

Inside the TwitterStreamListener, we add the following constructor :

def __init__(self):
    self.tweet_counter = 0                 # counter
    self.text_position = self.get_axis_limits(ax) # set x,y text position
    self.tweet_counter_text = ax.text(
            self.text_position[0],         # x position
            self.text_position[1],         # y position
            "Tweets : " + str(self.tweet_counter), # text
            fontsize=9,                    # fontsize
            ha="center", va="center",      # position of text in the box
            color=(0.30, 0.34, 0.42),      # textcolor
            bbox=dict(                     # fancybox
                boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", # square with padding
                ec=(0.85, 0.87, 0.91),     # inner color
                fc=(0.93, 0.94, 0.96)      # border color

# return x and y position. You can define your own scale for x and y axis
def get_axis_limits(axes, scale_x=0.85, scale_y=0.9):
    return axes.get_xlim()[0] * scale_x, (axes.get_ylim()[0] * scale_y)

Complete code

Download the complete code on Github

Map Style and tweet from a specific location

Japan Live Twitter feed

Image Tiles

Cartopy can download tiles from many others sources (OSM, MapBox, Google, etc).

Map Projection

On my previous example I use a specific map projection, which is Plate Carré. But different map projections are available here.

Example - Tweets from Japan and Stamen map tiles

Map code

# Japan coordinates
japan_extent = [122.372118838, 150.0007330301, 29.9785169793, 42.4539733251]

# Create a Stamen watercolor background instance
stamen_terrain = cimgt.Stamen('watercolor')

# Define map size and dpi
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5), dpi=150)

# Create a PlateCarree in the tile's projection
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())

# Limit the extent of the map to a small longitude/latitude range
ax.set_extent(japan_extent, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())

# Add the Stamen data at zoom level 6.
ax.add_image(stamen_terrain, 6)

Set the filter for Japan

japan_location_coord = [122.372118838, 29.9785169793, 150.0007330301, 42.4539733251]


Take a look at Stamen Maps

Stamen Maps
Stamen’s toner, terrain and watercolor map styles are lovingly crafted and free for the taking.


Cartopy - a cartographic python library with matplotlib support - SciTools/cartopy


Twitter for Python! Contribute to tweepy/tweepy development by creating an account on GitHub.